Teamed Privacy Policy

[last updated January 2024]

Digital SB Pty Ltd, ABN 15 644 032 842 of the Moreton Bay Region, Queensland, values your privacy and this privacy policy has been created to set out how we handle your personal information. We do our best to comply with the Australian privacy legislation. This privacy policy covers our website and can be found at

We collect, hold, use and disclose personal information for the purpose of providing the services you have requested. We provide marketing, communications and design services for businesses as listed on our website.

We may update this policy from time to time, and the updates will apply from the date the new version is uploaded to our website. We have included a ‘last updated’ date at the top of our policy to help you keep track of any changes. You should regularly check here for any recent changes that are relevant to you and displayed on our website each time you use our website.

Our contact details:

Business: Digital SB Pty Ltd, ABN 15 644 032 842

Contact Us: 

Location: Moreton Bay Region, Queensland, Australia

When you see the words, ‘us’, ‘ours’, ‘we’, ‘Viviana Castrillon’, ‘Digital SB Pty Ltd’ or ‘Teamed’, these refer to the business of Digital SB Pty Ltd, ABN 15 644 032 842 of the Moreton Bay Region, Queensland, 4510. You can contact us on the details provided above. When we refer to ‘our website’, we mean this one as owned and operated by us. Our website can also include all forms of digital media and expression, such as social media pages, platforms, email communications, blogs, images, or information published on our website.

Any references to ‘you,’ ‘user’ or ‘your,’ mean you, the user of our services or visitor to our website or related websites or platforms. Any reference to ‘you’ may also include your business, your family members, or any other person included in the delivery of our services.

‘Personal information’ is information that directly identifies you, such as your name and email address, or data that could be used, on its own or in combination with other data, to identify you. It has the meaning given to it in the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (‘the Act’). It does not include information we hold or use about the business you are associated unless that information identifies you personally. Sensitive information is personal information requiring special protection and includes information about your finances (if you supply this to us). For the purposes of this policy, we are including sensitive information within personal information.

1. Staying Anonymous

You can browse our website anonymously or choose to identify yourself to us. When you identify yourself to us, such as when you email us, or create a login account, we will collect your personal information. We also collect your personal information when you complete our online form to contact us, by emailing us or calling us directly.

2. Collecting Personal Information

We collect and use your personal information to provide our services to you, on the terms and conditions set out in our website. When you communicate with us, you grant us permission to collect and use your personal information. If you have any concerns regarding your consent to our use of personal information, please contact us. We also collect personal information about you is when you give it to us, for example:

  • When you contact us by phone or email or through our online system

  • When you submit information to our website by filling in the contact form or emailing information to us about your requirements

  • When you ask for access to information we hold about you

  • When you participate in our programs

You agree that we may keep your personal information for as long as it is required for the purpose it was collected or for an additional amount of time if we are required to do so under applicable laws.

3. Collecting sensitive information

Sensitive personal information is defined as including information about your health, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or criminal history.

We may collect sensitive personal information about you if you provide it to us or when you participate in one of our programs. If we unintentionally receive information about you that is sensitive personal information, we will only store it or otherwise use it in such a way that is required to deliver our services.

We use third party service providers, such as Stripe or PayPal, to process payments from you, but will not store any payment information in our system.

4. Social Networking Services and links to other websites

We may provide links to other websites or use social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or Twitter to promote our services.

You agree to read and agree to each social media platform’s own privacy policies first and consider if they are suitable to you before you use them. When you communicate with us using these platforms, we may collect your personal information. We will only use it to help us to communicate with you and the public or to promote services.

These social media platforms will also handle your personal information separately and for its own purposes. If you do not want your personal information to be on a social media platform, you should not use them and contact the platform provider directly. If you would like to contact us without using a social media platform, you can contact us via email provided in this privacy policy.

5. Testimonials

We display testimonials on our website about your experiences with our services, and we are greatly encouraged when we hear from you. Your wonderful messages noting your business growth is encouraging and we welcome your experiences.

You agree that we may publish your business name, logo, and your testimonial about your services and may include your name and the month and year of posting of your testimonial.

6. How we use Cookies and other identifiers

There are a range of tools provided by third parties, that we use, including search engine browsers and our website host, to collect or view website traffic information. These sites have their own privacy policies. We also use cookies and session tools to improve your experience when accessing our websites.

Depending on your settings, your web browser may automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. Some website features may not function properly without cookies.

The information collected by these tools may include:

  • The IP address of a device you are using,

  • Information about sites that IP address has come from,

  • The pages accessed on our site, and

  • The next site visited.

We use the information to help to track your use of our website. This helps to improve your user experience and the quality of our services. Additionally, we may also use that information to customise advertising about our services to suit you. To find out how to opt out of tailored advertising, please check the options available here –

7. Security and overseas recipients

We take security seriously and use trustworthy password protection for our online systems, and any paper records we may have are stored securely when not in use.

We may rely on other third-party providers such as document management systems, text messaging services, email services and alike that may be located overseas or may have storage or processing facilities located overseas. We aim to use third party providers who are located in Australia, where possible, who have superior security and data protection but the way they handle your personal information is separate to us and for their own purposes.

Your information may be accessed in a country outside of Australia without any protective laws surrounding privacy and personal information use. When you use our services, you agree to any incidental transfer of your data overseas.

8. Disclosure

We will disclose your personal information when legally compelled to do so, in cooperation with the police, or under subpoena, or in compliance with Australian privacy laws.

We may share your personal information with our advisors for the purpose of obtaining their advice about our business (for example our accountant), with our service providers for the purpose of their delivery of services (for example IT consultants) and with our payment platform if we need to provide details about payment transactions.

9. Accessing and correcting your personal information

If you would like copies of any information we hold about you, you may request it in writing.

You may make a request to amend or correct any information we hold about you. If we do not agree with your requested change, we will keep a copy of your request along with our information. If you contact us to make a personal information request, we will need to sufficiently identify you before we can provide you with details of any information, we hold about you.

10. Problems?

If you have any concerns about our use of your personal or sensitive information, please contact us in writing, using the details provided, and let us know your concerns. We will respond to you within 30 days.

After you have first contacted us, if you are still not happy with how we manage your concerns, you can contact the Australian Privacy Commission, available at
